
Unable to access the database “wtmaster” under the current security context.


Webtrends Analytics 8.x


While attempting to repair, backup or edit the MS SQL database, or while trying to run an analysis from the command prompt using the “analysis wplfile=” command, you receive the following error:

“Unable to access the database “wtmaster” under the current security context.”
“Unable to access the database “wt_sched” under the current security context.”


The “security context” it’s referring to is the user account currently logged on to the system or application. It’s saying the current user does not have sysadmin rights over the system database.


Simply log off and then log back on using the Webtrends service account or a domain admin account. If you are using SQL Management Studio, right click the program icon and select “Run As”, this will bring up a logon screen where you can put in the service account or domain admin account username and password.