
How do I disable Reset Profile Jobs in the Scheduled Jobs queue for installations of Webtrends using MS SQL Server 2005?


Webtrends Analytics 8.7d
Webtrends Analytics 8.5x


A Reset Profile Job is in the Scheduled Jobs queue and cannot be deleted from within the user interface.


This requires running an SQL query on the wt_event table.This command must be run on the Webtrends server running the MS SQL database.

1. Open a command line window on the Webtrends server and navigate to the following directory:

\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn

Note: The path above is the default location. The actual path may be different.

2. Access the database by typing the following command:

sqlcmd -U-P

Note: The SQL user name and password were created during the installation of Webtrends, the username typically being “sa”. If the SQL user name and password are unavailable, contact Webtrends Technical Support for assistance.

3. At the SQL command prompt type the following command and hit Enter:

UPDATE wt_sched.dbo.wt_Event SET IsEventDisabled = ‘1’ WHERE EventTypeID = ‘128’

4. Type the following command and hit Enter:


5. TypeExitand hit Enter to leave the SQL command shell.

Reset Profile Jobs will now be disabled.

More Information

For installations which use MS SQL Server 2008, refer toHow do I disable Reset Profile Jobs in the Scheduled Jobs queue for installations of Webtrends using MS SQL Server 2008?