
Why don’t the visits for the Most Recent Search Engines reports match visits in other reports?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.7


Why don’t the visits for the Most Recent Search Engines reports match visits in other reports?


The number of visits shown in the Most Recent Search Engines reports may not match the number of visits in other reports due to their requirements for collecting data. It is necessary to first enable Visitor History on the profile, as well as the “Search Engine History” option within Visitor History, before data will populate for this report. Of most importance is the “Most Recent Search Engine Duration” value, also found under Visitor History > Search Engine History, which is set to 90 days by default. The “Most Recent Search Engine/Phrase” reports use the Search Engine History setting when calculating the number of visits, and therefore the number of visits shown are for that time period. These reports are a subset of the total for this specific period, designed to show recent activity (as opposed to overall activity), and making comparisons between these and other reports that use different metrics is inadvisable.

Most Recent Search Engines requires Visitor History, which also requires Strong Session tracking. Strong session tracking does not include IP Address/User agent tracked visits/visitors. When comparing Most Recent Search reports to Referring Sites, Domains, or Pages, the referring reports will included weakly tracked Visits and Visitors, where as Most Recent Search will only include Strong Session tracked Visits and Visitors.