
Why does the data collector sometimes respond with a 303 redirect?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.7


Why does the data collector sometimes respond with a 303 redirect?


When using HttpWatch, Fiddler, or other http monitoring tools to view http calls being made to the Webtrends data collector, two calls are present. One displays a 303 return code, after which an identical one immediately follows with the expected 200 return code.

This is normal and the expected behavior and requires no action to be taken. The redirect is an intentional process used by the data collector as part of Webtrends’ patented method to synchronize the visitor ID values stored in first party cookies across multiple domains. The redirect should only occur if no first party cookie currently exists for that site. If a visitor experiences this behavior on multiple hits to the same site, it may be a sign that cookies are not being set correctly, possibly warranting further investigation.