
When is data collected in custom dimensions and measures?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When is data collected in custom dimensions and measures?


Creating custom dimensions and measures allows users to specify the point at which data is to be collected, such as at beginning of the visit, end of visit, or when a certain event is triggered. These options are explained in detail below.

During the configuration of a dimension the following options are available for determining when to collect data:

  • All Hits
  • First Occurrence in Visit
  • Last Occurrence in Visit
  • Most Recent
  • Hits that Match Specified URL

During the configuration of a measure the following options are available for determining when to collect data:

  • All Hits
  • First Occurrence in Visit
  • Last Occurrence in Visit
  • Hits that Match Specified URL

All Hits – Collects data each time the criteria of the dimension or measure is met

First Occurrence and Last Occurrence in Visit – The first time this is passed or the last time it passed. This is normally used when the parameter value is constant and only needs to be collected one time during the visit.

Hits that Match Specified URL – Webtrends will only collect data on a value if the value is seen in a specified URL.

Most Recent – The last value passed for the specified parameter during the visit is the trigger to capture data. An example of usage for this setting would be to capture data on the last search term a visitor used to reach the web site.

The “Most Recent” custom report option is not to be confused with the “Most Recent” dimensions such as “Most Recent Search Engine (All)” or “Most Recent Campaign ID” used in Webtrends standard reports. These dimensions use Visitor History and will display the most recent value over the course of multiple visits. In contrast, the Most Recent custom dimension or measure option displays the most recent activity for individual, isolated visits.