
What versions of Microsoft SQL are supported


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


What versions of Microsoft SQL are supported?


Webtrends Analytics supports the use of Microsoft SQL databases from version 8.0 forward, and with the release of Webtrends Analytics 8.5, uses Microsoft SQL Server exclusively as its system database. The following list details which versions of Microsoft SQL Server are supported for each version of Webtrends Analytics.

Note: For every variation, it is mandatory that the version of Microsoft SQL being used is a dedicated database and that it is not part of a cluster.

Webtrends Analytics 9.5.x

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express Edition (included with installation)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition (not recommended)

Webtrends Analytics 9.4.1

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express Edition (included with installation)
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition (not recommended)

Webtrends Analytics 9.4

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express Edition (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 9.3/b

Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Express Edition (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 9.2d

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 9.2a/b

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 8.7x

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 8.5x

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition with Service Pack 2 or higher (included with installation)

Webtrends Analytics 8.0x/8.1x

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition