
What is the current format of the Webtrends cookie?


Webtrends Smartsource Data Collector


What is the current format of the Webtrends cookie?


Webtrends_ID contains a randomly generated user ID (GUID).
WT.co_f contains the GUID, last visit and session start.
ACOOKIE will contain the GUID and addition visit and session information in an encrypted format.

Examples of WEBTRENDS_ID and WT.co_f:

WEBTRENDS_ID = 79c88e25-bceb-4b10-a387-28ae63e2fa45
WT.co_f = 79c88e25-bceb-4b10-a387-28ae63e2fa45;lv=xxxxx;ss=xxxxx

More Information

Third-party cookies (WEBTRENDS_ID, ACOOKIE) issued by the SmartSource Data Collector prior to the 9.4 version contained an IP address as part of the tracking value. Cookies issued after implementing that version should no longer contain an IP address.