
What information is collected or stored by the Webtrends SDK, and is this information shared with other apps on a mobile device.


Webtrends SDK


What information is collected or stored by the Webtrends SDK, and is this information shared with other apps on a mobile device.


Webtrends uses SQL-Lite to collect and store hits on a mobile device prior to sending them to our servers. This is done to allow hits to be collected by the app during times that the mobile device cannot connect to our servers.

It is possible for the SDK to be configured to collect other types of information not defined by Webtrends. If clients have concerns about certain types of information being passed or stored, they may choose to not collect it, encrypt it before sending or send a GUID instead and correlate it with any other information they have after they retrieve the GUID from us.

More Information

Webtrends by default does NOT collect any sensitive data. The information collected by the default version of the SDK as developed by Webtrends is documented here.

In addition, the data collect by our SDK is not shared with any other app on the mobile device.