
What do the WT.vt_f and WT.vt_f_a values mean?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


What do the WT.vt_f and WT.vt_f_a values mean?


The Webtrends parameter WT.vt_f and WT.vt_f_a capture a value of 0, 1, 2 or 3. The parameter WT.vt_f_a is used for account roll-up profiles but the value definition remains the same.

These values can be defined as follows:

0 – A cookie exists and it was updated successfully. This is a returning visitor.
1 – There is no existing cookie, but a value was delivered and written to the cookie successfully. This is a new visitor.
2 – Attempted to either write a new cookie or update an existing cookie but the cookie could not be read immediately after it was written. It is assumed that this visitor is not accepting cookies.
3 – Attempted to either write a new cookie or update an existing cookie, but something unexpected happened and the cookie written or written to was not valid.

Values of 0 and 1 are expected. If you see a high quantity of 2s and 3s, please double check the domain that the cookie is trying to set itself for (the fpcdom value). If you have questions, please contact Webtrends Technical Support.

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