
What characters can be used in a translation file?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


What characters can be used in a translation file?


Translation files are comma-separated value (CSV) files. Each line of the file makes up one record, and different fields on each line are separated by commas. If the data within a field has spaces or commas, then it should be enclosed in quotes; otherwise, no quotes are needed. All characters on a standard US keyboard have been fully tested within translation files.

Note: If quotes are needed, every entry in the translation file must also be surrounded by quotes. This is an all or nothing type of situation; all entries in all columns of the translation file must have quotes. If they’re not needed, quotation marks should not be present.

Other ASCII characters are not fully tested, but there are no observed issues with any printable ASCII character. Many double-byte characters, such as UTF-8 characters, are known to cause issues and should not be used. Note that Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel sometimes replace quotes with “smart quotes” when editing files, including CSV files. Since smart quotes are double-byte characters, these applications should not be used to edit translation files unless extreme care is taken to avoid the use of smart quotes.

Characters within the extended ASCII character set will cause issues with analysis, as will characters from the Unicode character set.

!Exclamation mark
Double quotes
Single quote
(Left parenthesis
)Right parenthesis
<Less than
>Greater than
?Question mark
@At symbol
AUppercase A
BUppercase B
CUppercase C
DUppercase D
EUppercase E
FUppercase F
GUppercase G
HUppercase H
IUppercase I
JUppercase J
KUppercase K
LUppercase L
MUppercase M
NUppercase N
OUppercase O
PUppercase P
QUppercase Q
RUppercase R
SUppercase S
TUppercase T
UUppercase U
VUppercase V
WUppercase W
XUppercase X
YUppercase Y
ZUppercase Z
[Left bracket
]Right bracket
aLowercase a
bLowercase b
cLowercase c
dLowercase d
eLowercase e
fLowercase f
gLowercase g
hLowercase h
iLowercase i
jLowercase j
kLowercase k
lLowercase l
mLowercase m
nLowercase n
oLowercase o
pLowercase p
qLowercase q
rLowercase r
sLowercase s
tLowercase t
uLowercase u
vLowercase v
wLowercase w
xLowercase x
yLowercase y
zLowercase z
(Left brace
|Vertical bar/pipe
)Right brace

Note: Characters not present in the list above may be used if their escaped equivalents are employed.