Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Tree View versus Linear View
Some of our reports use a set of graphs to display report data. This document is intended to cover the differences and explain the use of two of these graphs, often used in Path Analysis reports, Tree View and Linear View. To help explain these views, we will start with a description of each view and then explain the differences between them.
Linear View:

The linear view displays paths from a group of pages. One common misconception in viewing this report is that the “All Entry Pages” icon represents the entry pages; it actually is a total sum of the next section to the right. If any given page starts multiple paths, that page will be listed multiple times, one with each path sequence it starts. The linear view shows the actual path taken, and the number of visits associated with each path.
Tree View:

The Tree View displays visit numbers for each page in the sequence. This graph shows the number of visits for each page, and the top 5 pages from each previous page.
The Tree view is more similar to a top pages report for each step of the path, while the Linear View shows the actual top paths taken from start to finish (or number of levels deep set in the report configuration).
More Information
While these graphs may appear similar, they actually display the data in completely different formats. The best choice for you will depend greatly on the type of information you need to see, and the way you want that information displayed. If you need any assistance with determining the best choice for you, please consult our Technical Support Department and we will be happy to help you understand the differences and make the best choice for your needs.