
How have changes to Google Search affected referrer information reported in Webtrends?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


How have changes to Google Search affected referrer information reported in Webtrends?


In April, 2009, Google changed the format of the URL used when referring searches from their site to their destination. Previously, the referrer string looked similar to the following:


Google’s changes now result in URLs similar to what is shown below:


The difference between these two URLs is that “/search?” has now been replaced by “/url?” in the query string. This being the case, assuming you have historic data that predates the change, you will see entries for both www.google.com/url and www.google.com/search in your referring pages reports. Aside from this, Webtrends ability to report on search results from Google remains unaffected, and it is advised that when searching reports, any searches run against the referrer field for Google referrals do not include “/search?” as the search criteria.

More Information

And in this Knowledge Base Article: Why do I see Search phrase not provided in my search reports?