
How does Webtrends calculate the amount of time spent on a Web site?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


How does Webtrends calculate the amount of time spent on a Web site?


A default setting for the visit timeout is thirty minutes. This timeout setting is used to determine when to stop tracking a given visitor session (also referred to as a visit in the reporting). As no activity is logged when a visitor turns off his or her browser, it is impossible to tell when he or she stopped viewing a page based on the log file. Because of this, Webtrends has had to set a point where, if no further activity is found in the log file, it is assumed that the session has discontinued.

Here are two case studies:

Visitor AVisitor B
Hits9:00Site A 9:01:00
9:01Site A 9:02:00
9:31:05Site B 9:03:00
9:32:04Site B 9:27:00
Site A 9:28:00
Total Visit Time1:59Site A 27:00:00
Site B 24:00:00

Visitor A visits one site at 9, 9:01. The visit ends dues to exceeding the 30 minute session timeout. A second visit is initiated containing two hits 59 seconds apart. Therefore total time on site is set to 1:59.

Visitor B visits two sites with overlapping hits. As the timeout is never exceeded time on site is continuous for each site. This leads to a time count for both sites. Additionally single page visits are excluded from the calculations.