
How do I export reports using a Macintosh?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Macintosh users need to export reports from Webtrends, but no Macintosh Report Exporter client is available.


The following workaround will allow Macintosh users to export reports from Webtrends.

  1. Verify the user has been assigned the rights to export reports. This is found underApplication Settings > User Management > Users > (edit user)> Action Rights:
    Scheduled Export To Microsoft Excel (MDB Database)
    Scheduled Word, CSV, PDF Reports
    Scheduler Module
  2. Assuming the user also has profile and template rights, create a scheduled job from the server and send via e-mail, or save to a specific path, by navigating to the following:
    Scheduler > Scheduled Jobs > New > Scheduled Report >… > Report Destinations > Select
    (This will require permissions to write to the location where the user would like the export saved, or, for software installations, use of the local mail server, and for On Demand, available Provisioned Child Report Exports, if applicable.)
  3. Complete the Scheduled Job Wizard and designate a time for export, after which the Macintosh user should receive it via e-mail or be able to retrieve it from the specified location upon successful export.