
How do I determine what my table sizes are within Webtrends?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


How do I determine what my table sizes are within Webtrends?


One of the central features of Webtrends software is the profile database. As Webtrends analyzes your web server log files, it creates a database that acts as a “running tally” of all of the data it has analyzed so far. This is how Webtrends reports stay up to date; the profile database stores the results of past analysis, and because of the properties of the proprietary database format, new data can be added that builds on what you already have. It is not unusual for Webtrends databases to become quite large. The amount of disk space used to store your databases will vary directly with the following:

  • The number of profiles created
  • The number of archives stored
  • The size of log files
  • The complexity of log files
  • The number of Advanced Features enabled

Because of these factors, every installation of Webtrends is different, it is not unusual for the size of these databases to vary from one customer to another. In some situations, certain tables within the database can get very large, and can cause performance problems. This is why Webtrends has the ability to limit database table sizes. However, sometimes it is not obvious which tables in the database are causing the problem – this is where the ‘DBinfo’ report may be of use. 

View the database tables through the interface of the program. This is found under Administration > Monitoring > Profiles > Most Active Profiles. The button called ‘View Analysis Table Details’, which has a magnifying glass over it, will launch this report. View the dbinfo information through the CSV file the program automatically creates. This file is located by default in:

\storage\reports\wtm_wtx\datfiles\databases\[profile guid]\[profileguid]_dbinfo.csv

It uses comma-separated values, so it will be easiest to view in Microsoft Excel. There is a lot of information in this report. A few columns that require attention are as follows:

  • Table Name: This column lists each of the tables in the profile database.
  • Table Number (CSV Only): This is an index column providing the table number for each table. Occasionally, these table numbers are referenced in the profile statuslog.
  • 1d Count and 2d Count (User Interface)/1d Table Count and 2D Table Count(CSV Only): These columns tell you how many individual elements are currently being stored in the table. For example, for the “Top Weekdays” table, this column should always show “7”. This is also the number that is being limited when you apply a table limit.
  • 1d Limit and 2d Limit (User Interface)/1d Table Count and 2D Table Limit (CSV Only): These columns show the amount of unique data, which can stored in the table. Once the limit is reached, unique data will no longer be collected.

More Information

For information on Table Limiting, please search the Knowledge Base for “What is the effect of limiting table sizes or memory usage in Webtrends reports?