
How do I configure Webtrends to read log files directly from zip files?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When reading log file data contained within a .gz file, Webtrends copies the gz files to the following location:

The contents are then extracted to a temporary folder within this folder.

Extracting the contents from .zip files may present issues with hard drive space so in some cases it may be more efficient to read the log files directly from the compressed archive.


  1. Stop the “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent” service on the Webtrends server(s).
  2. Navigate to the following location: \Webtrends\modules\analysis
  3. Open asu.ini and locate the [FileMover] section.
  4. Add the following line (or change to read as follows): UnzipLogFiles = false
  5. Save the change.

To enable this change globally, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the following location: \Webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx
  2. Open wtm_wtx.ini and locate the [profile] section.
  3. Add the following line (or change to read as follows): optimizedlogopen = true
  4. Save the change.

To enable this change on a per-profile basis:

  1. Navigate to the following location: \Webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx\datfiles\profiles
  2. Open the .wlp for the profile where the guid corresponds to the Profile File Name value, displayed when editing the profile, under the General tab.
  3. Locate the [profile] section and add the following line (or change it to read as follows): optimizedlogopen = true
  4. Save the change.
  5. Restart the “Webtrends – Scheduler Agent service(s)”.