
How can I make campaigns expire in Visitor History?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


How can I make campaigns expire in Visitor History?


Prior to Webtrends 8.5, campaign history did not expire for a user coming to a site. As a result, activity a user performed on a web site could still be attributed to that campaign months later.

From Webtrends 8.5 forward, the ability to expire campaign history is now a new option under the “Visitor History” section of a profile.

The setting options are found under “Campaign History”, which allow one of the following to be chosen:

“Attribute all activity to the Most Recent Campaign”
“Attribute activity to the Most Recent Campaign for XX days”

The first option allows the same behavior as before, where all activity will be associated to a campaign for an unlimited length of time.

The second option allows the expiration of campaign history after a time frame of your choosing.

Example: A campaign is set up to expire after 30 days, at which point, if a user hits a campaign on Day 1 and 45 days later comes back directly to the site, this user’s activity will no longer be associated with the campaign. If a user comes in less than 30 days, this user’s activity will be associated with the campaign.