
FAQ for Webtrends Customers: Webtrends Analytics Page View Licensing


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Q. What is a page view and how is it counted?

A. “Page View” counted towards the Webtrends Page View license entitlement is defined as a web page rendered by a browser or browser equivalent that has been collected for analysis by Webtrends. This is independent of whether log files are being analyzed or SmartSource data files generated via inserted JavaScript tags are being created/analyzed. If a customer uses both SmartSource and log files, Page Views will be counted in one or the other but not both.

Technically speaking, Webtrends collects 2 page view numbers: SmartSource collected page views (incremented as Webtrends processes SDC logs) and “Standard” web log collected page views (incremented as Webtrends processes non-SDC logs).

Each is compared against the Page View entitlement. If either one reaches the licensed limit, the limit is considered reached. The same page view will not count twice in situations where a customer is analyzing SmartSource logs and web server log files for the same site(s).

Q. Which extensions will not be interpreted as a Page View in web server logs?

A. .gif .jpg .bmp .png .wbmp .jpeg .css .js .dtd .asmx .ascx .ico
All other file extensions are considered Page Views.

Q. Does the Page View Model count streaming media severs?

A. Yes, streaming media logs are counted just like web server log files. Clips such as rm, wma, wmv, are the streaming version of Page Views.

Q. How does Webtrends count page views against a customer’s page view entitlement?

A. “Page View” counted towards the Webtrends Page View license entitlement is defined as a web page rendered by a browser or browser equivalent that has been collected for analysis by Webtrends. Webtrends looks at the source of these page views and counts the page views against the license entitlement that is indicated in the Webtrends Analytics Admin Console under Administration > Licensing.

Q. What happens if a customer reaches their page view entitlement before the year period is complete?

A. The customer will receive a warning at 80%, 100% and 120%. At 120% report access and analysis will shut discontinue until licensing is resolved.

Add-ons can be purchased to increase the page view entitlement. Page views will continue to be counted from the usage to-date until the anniversary date, when usage against annual entitlement will reset to zero.

Q. How is a rollback treated, i.e. a customer analyzes the logs and then decides to add filters to the profile and reanalyze?

A. If log files are being analyzed and the same log file is processed at a later date by a different profile or by the same profile, the Page View will not be counted again. This is prior to applying any customer filters.

Q. What happens if a customer needs to reanalyze data? How does Webtrends recognize that the log files have already been analyzed?

A. If log files are being analyzed and the same log file is processed at a later date by a different profile or by the same profile, the Page View will not be counted again.

Q. Marketing sends out an HTML-mail containing objects (pages) served from the site, they send the email to 80,000 recipients per day, how does that affect the page view model?

A. If the pages are tagged with SmartSource or are logged to the servers as page views, they will be counted against the page view entitlement.

Q. Are Spiders, Bots and Monitoring tools counted against a customer’s page view entitlement?

A. If a customer is analyzing web log files spiders, bots, monitoring tools or any other device that creates a page view will be counted.

In the case where a customer is analyzing log files and SmartSource files to analyze the same page views, Webtrends will look at both sources and count the larger page view count of the two.

Q. How are frames treated?

A. Multiple frames on one web page are counted as separate (multiple) Page Views, however, in the case of SmartSource this can be avoided by excluding the .js from the secondary frames if desired.

Q. What happens if the Webtrends reports show less page views that what the administration tool is tracking on a monthly basis. What is causing this discrepancy?

A. Most often this will be caused by a filter set on the customer’s profile. As Webtrends Analytics counts page views pre-filter, this could cause a discrepancy. Also, if the site includes frames, the frame pages will be counted by Webtrends Analytics, although they may be filtered out of the reports.

In order to avoid these problems, the customer can use SmartSource, which is somewhat like an auto-filter, as only the pages of interest are tagged. Or they can run a script against the data source prior to analysis by Webtrends to filter out page view extensions, folders, etc., that are not of interest.

Q. Are page views counted for each profile that is pointing to that same data source?

A. If a customer has multiple profiles pointing to the same log file or SmartSource file, the page views are only counted once. A customer can analyze the same data in multiple profiles and the page views will only count once.

Q. What happens if a customer wants to bring in historical data into their Webtrends Analytics install?

A. Analysis of historical log files will count against the page view entitlement. Version 8.x and forward of Webtrends now counts the annual license page view count for the individual historic year and applies the account only to the year that the data was collected based on the time stamp in the log file itself. This will enable customers to pull in historical data without it affecting their current year license page view count.

Q. If support resets a customers page views back to zero, does it reset the year term as well?

A. No the start date of the page view count will remain the same. This start date is based on the initial install date of Webtrends Analytics.

NOTE: A licensed page view reset must be requested/authorized by your Webtrends Sales Account Manager.