
Changing the day for which a report week starts displays Changing this setting will require you to re-analyze the profile.


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When editing a profile and attempting to change the day of the week on which the report week starts, the following warning message displays:

“Changing this setting will require you to re-analyze the profile. The change will invalidate existing weekly report databases and in turn will cause incorrect results for weekly and custom date range reports over those existing weeks.”


Changing the designated start day for a profile is considered a destructive change for profiles which already contain data. Ideally, this will be decided at the time the profile is created. If it is necessary to designate a new start day then the reanalysis will destroy the existing report data. For On Demand customers, this is considered a “replay”. Replays do not extend further back than ninety days so historical report data going back further than ninety days will be irrevocably lost.