
Unable to delete JRE fonts after failed 9.2d install


Webtrends Analytics 9.x


A failed 9.x install can result in Windows locking font files so they can not be removed.


After a failed 9.x install you can not delete files from directory of D:\Program Files (x86)\Webtrends\common\jre\lib\fonts

Files include:
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 75,144 LucidaBrightDemiBold.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 75,124 LucidaBrightDemiItalic.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 80,856 LucidaBrightItalic.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 344,908 LucidaBrightRegular.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 317,896 LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 698,236 LucidaSansRegular.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 234,068 LucidaTypewriterBold.ttf
01/31/2011 03:14 PM 242,700 LucidaTypewriterRegular.ttf


The installer symlinks the fonts into the Windows font directory (c:\windows\fonts\) so the fonts are in use and locked when you try to delete them.


To remove links goto font directories:

C:\Windows\Fonts\Lucida Bright
C:\Windows\Fonts\Lucida Sans
C:\Windows\Fonts\Lucida Sans Typewriter

And delete the files, that have the “shortcut” arrow over the font icon.
Finally delete the fonts from D:\Program Files (x86)\Webtrends\common\jre\lib\fonts (it may be necessary to reboot in some cases).