
Troubleshooting Report Exporter


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Below are common Report Exporter issues and their solutions:

  • “Java Heap” Error
  • “Cannot run program?The system cannot find the path specified”
  • Having “FTP” as your only export option
  • Not all reports exporting
  • Pages displaying “Error” when exporting all reports
  • Red “X” where Report Exporter applet should be


General troubleshooting:
First, make sure you are using the version of Java that is made for your operating system and version of Webtrends. If the version of Report Exporter is not correct, uninstall the version you have and download the correct version from your user interface and install it manually.

Many issues we encounter with Report Exporter are related Java. The step you should take is to visit https://product.webtrends.com/WRC/9.1/documentationcenter/default.asp?WT.mc_id=Wt_productrc and look up the system requirements for your version of Report Exporter. Make sure you have a compatible version of Java installed and only ONE version of Java installed.

Make sure you are a local administrator on the machine you are intending to use Webtrends on. It will need to write preference files and will need these permissions. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, it might be best to install Report Exporter outside of C:\Program Files as this is a protected directory.

Also, on Windows Vista and Windows 7, test report Exporter with UAC disabled. Turn this off by going under Control Panel > Users > User Access Control.

You will also want to make sure that your network traffic isn’t blocked. To test this, we recommend trying to use Report Exporter on the Webtrends server itself, or, if you are an OnDemand customer, trying from outside your current network.

“Java Heap” Error:
If you are receiving this error, chances are Report Exporter is attempting to use more memory than you have allocated for Java. How to correct this is covered in the article Increasing the default report exporter memory

“Cannot run program “The system cannot find the path specified”:
In most cases when you see this error, you will see the path in the description includes the user?s Desktop or Documents folder. Basically, the user installed it to a location and then deleted the files from that location. To correct this, please give Webtrends Technical Support a call using one of the numbers provided here: https://my.webtrends.com/support.

Having “FTP” as your only export option:
This issue is usually caused by an incompatible version of Java being installed. Find the recommended version of Java for your version of Webtrends at https://product.webtrends.com/WRC/9.1/documentationcenter/default.asp?WT.mc_id=Wt_productrc. Make sure you have this version and only this version of Java installed. Chrome over version 45 doesn’t allow Java plugins and thus will not allow you to save to file.

Not all reports exporting:
Webtrends Report Exporter has a hard coded limit of exporting up to 30 reports at once if you select “All Reports” for export. The solutions to this are to:

  • Export just the reports you need manually
  • Limit the number of reports in the profile
  • Create multiple templates containing only the reports you need for that export. For example, a Marketing template, an Executive Template, and a Sales template.
Red “X” where Report Exporter applet should be/ class com.webtrends.docutil.downloader.Downloader_Applet not found:
When attempting to export, Webtrends returns a pop-up box with a red “X” in the left corner. This issue persists even after reinstalling the Report Exporter and/or Java and deleting all temporary internet files, as well as lowering browser security settings. The solution for this is covered in the article Report Exporter fails to export, displaying a red X in the pop-up box.

Further Information:
Product documentation: https://product.webtrends.com/WRC/9.1/documentationcenter/default.asp?WT.mc_id=Wt_productrc