Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Enterprise 7.x
Webtrends Professional 7.x
Webtrends Small Business 7.x
After changing the amount of memory used by Tomcat, the “Webtrends – Tomcat” service will no longer start.
If the “Webtrends – Tomcat” service doesn’t start, try changing the Tomcat memory back to the default of 512 megabytes. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the following folder:
2. Open wttomcatservices.ini with a text editor.
3. Find the JVM Option Number lines and change them to the values below:
JVM Option Number 2=-Xms512m
JVM Option Number 3=-Xmx512m
4. Save the file.
5. Restart the “Webtrends – Tomcat” and “Webtrends – Apache” services via the Windows Services panel.