
The required version of Webtrends report exporter is not currently installed, Please contact your administrator for assistance.


Webtrends Analytics 9.2x – 9.4.1
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When attempting to export a report you receive the following error: The required version of Webtrends report exporter is not currently installed, Please contact your administrator for assistance.


  1. Uninstall the Webtrends Report Exporter from add/remove programs in windows.
  2. Uninstall all versions of Java from add/remove programs in windows.
  3. Restart the work station.
  4. Download and install the Java Runtime Environment version 6 update 17.
  5. Log in to Webtrends and attempt to export, the Report Rxporter should download and install automatically.

If after uninstalling the Webtrends Report Exporter it still shows up under add/remove programs or the user interface displays errors indicating the system believes the Report Exporter is still installed:

Delete the following two registry keys (ensure the registry is backed up prior to making any changes):


Reboot the workstation for the registry changes to take effect. If the report exporter does not download and install automatically then it can be downloaded directly from the server by using the URL below (modified to include the server name and port):


Extract the contents to a folder and locate the report exporter folder and right-click on “Install.bat” and select “Run as Administrator” after which the Report Exporter should install.