
The integrity of remote FastTrends location could not be validated


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


During analysis, the message “The integrity of remote FastTrends location could not be validated” appears in the Analysis Status log and the analysis fails.


This error means your analyzed database could not be processed and is corrupt.


You will need to restore from backup.

1. Go to Application Settings>System Management>Backup/Restore>Restore Backup.
2. Near the Search box, click Advanced. Select the Profile Name radio button and search for the profile name to find an Analysis Data backup type that is dated prior to the error.
3. Select a date to restore to that precedes any mention of the error in the status log and click Action>Restore.

4. The restore job will enter the Job Queue like any other job. When the job is finished, go to Web Analysis>Reports and Profiles and select Analyze Now.

The Fastrends database is stored in Storage\Analysis. Each profile has their own Fastrends database. They are a zipped file that are copied to Modules\Analysis\Engine\(version) and unzipped at the start of each analysis. If the file is corrupt, it may not be possible to copy it or unzip it.

Corruption can occur if the disk has run out of space, the file was locked by anti-virus or backup software while writing, there was a physical interruption while writing, or the disk sector it was written to is bad.