
Tagging secure pages returns warning This page contains both secure and insecure information


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.7


A web site is tagged with the Webtrends JavaScript tag and a visitor moves from an insecure page to a secure page and receives a pop-up stating, “This page contains both secure and insecure information.” Although the page is secure, the pop-up refers to the request for the insecure image used by default with the Webtrends JavaScript tag, and this occurs every time a visitor views a secure page with this code.


To prevent this warning message from displaying, the JavaScript tag on all secure pages must be changed to remove the reference to the image file on the non-secure server. Edit the NOSCRIPT section of the Webtrends JavaScript tag and change the protocol for the image from “http” to “https” so the request for this image is also secure.


<IMG ALT=”” BORDER=”0″ NAME=”DCSIMG” WIDTH=”1″ HEIGHT=”1″ SRC=”http://<www.yoursite.com>/dcss6hcjzmh8iz4mwu22r1lqk_5k5c/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&amp;WT.js=No”>

Change the protocol as shown below:

<IMG ALT=”” BORDER=”0″ NAME=”DCSIMG” WIDTH=”1″ HEIGHT=”1″ SRC=”https://<www.yoursite.com>/dcss6hcjzmh8iz4mwu22r1lqk_5k5c/njs.gif?dcsuri=/nojavascript&amp;WT.js=No”>