Webtrends On Premises 9.x
Webtrends On Premises 8.x
When a change is made to the Daylight Savings Time or time zone settings, scheduled events can sometimes be negatively effected. This may result in the scheduled event running at an unscheduled time after it has already run at the scheduled time.
To resolve this, the NextTrigger value in the database must be set to a value so that it can be properly set in a subsequent run of the event. To change these values, follow the steps below:
1. Verify that no tasks are currently running.
2. Stop all of the Webtrends services except for “Webtrends – MySQL” or “SQL Server (SQL Express).”
3. For installations using MySQL, open a command line window and navigate to the folder below:
4. Execute the following command:
mysql.exe –database=wt_sched –user=username –password –execute=”update wt_schedule set nexttrigger = null;”
(Replace username with the MySQL username and enter the password when prompted.)
The username and password specified in this sql statement are the username and password specified for the database at the time of installation.
3. For installations using MS SQL, open a command line window and type the following:
sqlcmd -S servername -U sa -P password
(Replace servername with the name of the server, and password with the password for the sa account.)
The username and password specified in this sql statement are the username and password specified for the database at the time of installation.
4. Type the following commands and hit Enter after each one:
use wt_sched;
UPDATE dbo.wt_schedule SET NextTrigger = null;
After these queries have been executed, the event will run at its scheduled time and reset this value so that it will run only when scheduled.