
Profile Identifier (GUID) missing, unable to analyze [ProfileId = ]


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


The profile fails to analyze with the following error either in the substatus or status log:
“Profile Identifier (GUID) missing, unable to analyze [ProfileId = ] .”


You can resolve this issue by following one of these three options.

Add the ProfileId to the wlp file

  1. Edit the profile in question and get the GUID from the general tab in the “profile file name” section.
  2. Navigate to \webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx\datfiles\profiles directory c. Locate the .wlp file that correlates to the GUID for the profile, and open it in a text editor
  3. Look for the section [profile]
  4. In this section you should see an entry for “ProfileId =” and a GUID value
    • If it is there but blank, paste in the GUID after the equals sign
    • If it is not present, add the following: ProfileID =GUID where GUID is the actual value for that profile.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Analyze profile

Restore the profile.wlp.bak files

  1. Edit the profile in question and get the GUID from the general tab in the “profile file name” section.
  2. Navigate to \webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx\datfiles\profiles directory
  3. Locate the .wlp.bak file that correlates to the GUID for the profile and open it in a text editor. If there is no .wlp.bak for that GUID, you will need to move on to the next method.
    • Look for the section [profile] In this section you should see an entry for “ProfileId =” and a GUID value
    • If both the ProfileId and GUID value is there, close the file
    • If the ProfileId is there but the GUID value is blank, paste in the GUID after the equals sign If it is not present, add the following: ProfileID =GUID where GUID is the actual value for that profile
  4. Save and close the file.
  5. Change the extension on the .wlp file for this profile to another extension, like .old
  6. Change the extention on the .wlp.bak file for this profile to be .wlp
  7. Analyze profile

Restore the .wlp files from a tape backup or from a configuration backup inside of the Webtrends installation directory.

    More information

    How do I restore a configuration repository backup or a file within the backup?