
“Message: Invalid column name ‘placeholder’.” when logging on as Administrator or viewing active alerts


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When an administrator logs on, they are typically set to go directly to the Active Alerts report.


If the underlying database tables these reports are based on contain corrupt data, they need to be cleared manually.


1. Install the appropriate SQL Management Studio for your version of SQL.
2. Launch SQL Management Studio and log on to the SQL database, typically MSSQLSERVER for 8.5 and WTSYSTEMDB for 8.7d and any 9.x version.
3. Click on the plus sign “+” next the Databases>wt_sched>tables to list all the tables.
4. Right click the table wt_MonitorAlertResolveHistory and select Script Table As>Delete To>New query editor window. Delete the line that says WHERE (because we’re deleting all data in the table). Click the Execute button.
5. Right click the table wt_MonitorResult and select Script Table As>Delete To>New query editor window. Delete the line that says WHERE (because we’re deleting all data in the table). Click the Execute button.