
Exported/extracted report data strips encoding of non-English character sets


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


Users who have selected character sets other than English are able to view report data in that language within the Webtrends user interface. However, attempts to export to .csv format with Webtrends Report Exporter, or extract the data with the Webtrends ODBC driver into Microsoft Excel, strip the encoding and make the contents unreadable.


The exported/extracted report data can be re-encoded back into the original character set with Excel by using the steps below:

1. Open Excel and under the “Data” menu, select to retrieve external data “From Text.”

2. In the Text Import Wizard, ensure the “Delimited” option is selected and select the File origin encoding type as 65001 Unicode (UTF-8) or the native encoding format.

3. Select “Next” and on the following screen, select “Comma” as the delimiter type.

4. Select “Finish” and the data extract will open and display characters re-encoded in their original format.