
Error: “WARNING: WTRS returned with an error”


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Enterprise 7.x
Webtrends Professional 7.x
Webtrends Small Business 7.x


The following message appears among a profile’s status messages after a failed analysis:
WARNING: WTRS returned with an error


For detailed information regarding why this message displays, review the profile’s statuslog:
1. Edit the profile in the user interface and under the “General” tab in the “Profile file name” field the profile’s globally unique identifier or “guid” displays. Make note of the guid and proceed to the next step.
2. On the Webtrends server, navigate to one of the locations shown below:
For versions under 8.7d:
For versions 8.7d and above:
3. Statuslogs are files of the same name as the matching profile guid, without an extension. Open the profile’s statuslog with a text editor. (Ensure the profile is not undergoing analysis at the time or the statuslog will be locked and prevent debugging information from being added to it.)
4. Search the statuslog for messages indicating what the problem may be and follow the recommended steps for resolution:
  • Could not connect to FTP – Verify the FTP service is available and that the FTP server is accessible from the Webtrends server
  • Invalid log file path or log file. – If using a data source specifying a UNC path, ensure the Webtrends service account has the required permissions to access the file(s). If using a data source specifying an FTP server, ensure the credentials provided by Webtrends when accessing the FTP server are correct. In all cases, regardless of the kind of server used, ensure there are no syntax errors in the path. Also make sure there are no file-locking issues with the log files in the specified path and that a valid file name is on the end of the path.
  • No log files found for datasource – Verify the data source path is properly configured. For FTP data sources, verify the default path (once logged in) points to the correct location. Specifically, if Webtrends has been configured to use absolute or relative paths under “Webtrends” > “Analysis” > “Options” for the FTP data source, ensure the FTP service account uses the same configuration upon logging in. For UNC paths, if the data source uses a network location it must not be on a mapped drive. Use a syntax similar to the following example instead: \\host\log file folder\*.log
  • Could not parse log file / Invalid log file format – Indicates a corrupted log file, or one in an invalid/unrecognized format. Verify the log file(s) contain a header (if no header exists, it will be assumed to be in the Apache format), contain entries other than the header, no additional fields have been added, and that all fields have corresponding values (or a hyphen to indicate a null value). If a log file changed format with fields added or removed within the same file. It must be split in two at the point that the fields changed.
  • Two separate zip archives are being analyzed, but the log files within each have the same name – Ensure the web log naming convention uses unique names for the log files the server generates. (Applies to Webtrends 7.x only)
  • Compressed log files exhaust server drive space when extracted – Increase the available drive space or change the “compressiondir” value in the \Webtrends\storage\config\wtm_wtx\wtm_wtx.ini file to a local drive with sufficient space for extraction.
  • Too many log files in the path used by the Data Source – If there are over 1,200 files, file handles can be exceeded for the process. While it is possible to increase the number of available file handles, as a best practice the number of log files in the path should be kept to a minimum because the application will access them all to determine whether or not they have been analyzed in the past. Either reduce the number of files in the Data Source or use date macros so the application only touches files within the range specified.
  • Too much log data to analyze and Analysis Throttling is set too high – Memory errors are typically seen at this point. Reduce the value for Analysis Throttling (the default is one day), remove custom reports and enact any other measures that can reduce resource utilization, such as reducing customizations, limiting the number of concurrent analyses, removing report periods, etc.
  • Corrupted installation with one or more bad/unreachable files – This may result from pointers in the database not using the correct paths or the paths/files not existing where they should.
  • GeoTrends is not installed – Edit the profile. Under “Analysis” > “Internet Resolution,” uncheck the box for “Company Location Resolution” to disable GeoTrends. Alternatively, perform a modified installation and select the GeoTrends component to install it.
  • The “Search String Conversion” option has been selected for the profile, but the plug-in has not been installed. – Either uncheck this option (in the Locale tab when editing the profile) or install the plug-in. (This affects versions 8.0x and below.)
  • Corrupted analysis database or corruption in the system database – Corruption in the system database is not uncommon on versions of the product which use MySQL. In contrast, versions using MS SQL rarely experience this. If a profile’s analysis database is corrupted, either restore the profile from a backup or reanalyze it.