
Error: ‘Unable to initialize the license manager’ when licensing Webtrends from the command line


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When attempting to use the wtlicman utility from the command line on 64-bit operating system, the following error displays:

WebTrends Licensing Tool
Copyright 1996-2009 WebTrends Inc. All rights reserved.
Unable to initialize the license manager
Error: Could not load required Glue dynamic library (wtliveglue2.dll)


This message displays results from using the wtlicman command from a 64-bit command line window.


The command must be run from a 32-bit command prompt. To open a 32-bit command prompt, select Start > Run and paste the following command into the dialogue box, then hit “OK”:

A 32-bit command line window will open and use of wtlicman will not return this error.