
Error installing component: SQLExpress Error code: -2067529721


Webtrends Analytics 9.x


When attempting to install or upgrade, the installation process fails, returning the following error message:

Error installing component: SQLExpress
Error code: -2067529721
Log file: %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\LOG\Summary.txt

The summary.txt file displays the following line at the end:
“Configuration error description: Error: can’t find registry key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSDTC”

This occurs when the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC) application was never installed, or was corrupted.


To resolve this issue, install, or reinstall, MSDTC by performing the steps below.

Go to Start > Run > and type “cmd” to open a command line window and type the following commands in sequence:

net stop msdtc

msdtc -uninstall

Go to Start > Run and type “regedit” to open the registry editor.

Drill down into the registry to see if the following keys are present, and if so, delete them:


Close the registry editor, return to the command line window and type the following command:

msdtc -install

After this has completed, under Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer, open the Application log and confirm the following is among the most recent messages:

“The Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator service was successfully installed.”

Restart the machine.

After logging back in, open a command line window and type the following command:

msdtc -resetlog

The machine is now ready for 8.7d to be installed.

Note: This issue only applies to 8.7d+ installations. (This is a requirement of SQL Server 2008, and is not an issue for SQL 2005 and below.)