
Database not available error message



After upgrading or installing the product, the User Interface displays an error message similar to this:
Message: Internal Error: Database not available at “jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://SERVER/wt_sched;instance=WTSYSTEMDB”


There are multiple causes of this issue, the following steps are listed in order and should only be used after confirming that re-installing the User Interface component does not resolve the issue.
Restart the “Webtrends – User Interface” service after each step to see if it has resolved the issue.

1. Open IIS Manager (Applies to Windows 2008/IIS 7.x only)
a. Expand Sites -> Click on the “Webtrends Marketing Lab” site
b. Double Click on “Authentication”
c. Edit Anonymous Authentication
d. Set the Anonymous User Identity to use the Application Pool Identity.
e. Open a command prompt and type ‘iisreset’

2. Turn off Windows Firewall
3.Find out what port your install of MS SQL Server is using.
a. ReadKB051902to discover the port that is being used.

4. Add the SQL Port to wt_DatabaseInstance
a. Open up SQL Management Studio
i. If you don’t have SMSS installed, you can download and install it from Microsoft.
ii. Backup your system databases. Instructions can be found in KB113985
b. Expand Databases -> wtmaster -> Tables
c. Right click on dbo.wt_DatabaseInstance, select “Edit Top 200 Rows”
d. Find the column labeled “Port” – add the SQL port you found in step 3.
e. Click ‘Save’.
5. Add the SQL Port to the Webtrends Connection String
a. Go to \webtrends\common\lib
b. Edit wtliveglue.ini
c. Add the port to the connection string for each database.
i. DATABASE=wt_sched;SERVER=MACHINE_NAME;Trusted_Connection=Yes
change to:
i. DATABASE=wt_sched;SERVER=MACHINE_NAME,1111;Trusted_Connection=Yes (assuming the port is 1111)