
Backups do not appear in the Available Backups list


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Enterprise 7.x
Webtrends Professional 7.x
Webtrends Small Business 7.x


Backups are not appearing in the “Available Backups” list when opening the “Restore Backup” option, even though they show in the Scheduled Events and have record of running a backup during the last scheduled cycle. To resolve this, follow these steps:


For Webtrends Analytics prior to 8.5:

1. Open a command prompt and change to the \Webtrends\common\database\mysql\bin directory.

2. Type “mysql -u -p” and press Enter (where is the name of the MySQL administrator account created when Webtrends was installed). When prompted for the password, type it in and press Enter.

3. You should now be at the “mysql>” prompt. Type “use wtmaster” and press Enter.

4. Type the following command and press Enter:

update wt_profile set profilestatusid=’1′ where profilestatusid=’8′;

Be sure to include the semicolon at the end of the line. The command will not execute until MySQL sees the semicolon. If it is forgotten, type the semicolon on the next line by itself and press Enter, and the command will execute.

Once executed, the query should respond with a status message something like this:

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.02 sec)
Rows matched: 2 Changed: 2 Warnings: 0

If an error occurs, check that the command was entered correctly (the most common problem is a misspelling of one of the words), and reenter the command.

5. Exit the MySQL command prompt by typing “quit” and pressing Enter.

6. Locate the profile file name for the profile missing the backup. This can be found by opening up the edit screen for the profile and looking on the “General” tab. On this screen there is a “Profile File Name” field.

7. Open the following directory in Windows:


If the storage locations have been moved to a different location, find the same directory in the path they have been moved to.

8. Find the .wlp file that matches the profile file name and open it in a text editor. In the [profile] section, look for the following setting:


If the setting does not exist, or is already set to “false”, no further action needs to be taken on the .wlp file and it can be closed. If it does exist, change the value to “false” or remove the line altogether. Once the change has been made, save and close the file.

9. Restart the “Webtrends. MySQL” service and log back in to Webtrends.

You should now see the missing backups in the Available Backups list.

For Webtrends Analytics 8.5 and higher:

1. Open a command prompt and change to the \Webtrends\common\database\ directory.

2. Type “sqlcmd -S <server>\ -U -P ” and press Enter (where is the name of the SQL administrator account created when Webtrends was installed and is the password. In most cases, <server> will be “localhost” and will be the “sqlexpress” in Webtrends Analytics 8.5x or “wtsystemdb”).

3. You should now be at the “1>” prompt. Type “use wtmaster” and press Enter.

4. Type the following command and press Enter:

update wt_profile set profilestatusid=’1′ where profilestatusid=’8′

5. TypeGOon the next line and press Enter.

The command will not execute until SQL Server sees the GO.

Once executed, the query should respond with a status message something like this:

(2 rows affected)

If an error occurs, check that the command was entered correctly (the most common problem is a misspelling of one of the words), and reenter the command.

6. Exit the SQL command prompt by typing “quit” and pressing Enter.

7. Locate the profile file name for the profile missing the backup. This can be found by opening up the edit screen for the profile and looking on the “General” tab. On this screen there is a “Profile File Name” field.

8. Open the following directory in Windows:


If the storage locations have been moved to a different location, find the same directory in the path they have been moved to.

9. Find the .wlp file that matches the profile file name and open it in a text editor. In the [profile] section, look for the following setting:


If the setting does not exist, or is already set to “false“, no further action needs to be taken on the .wlp file and it can be closed. If it does exist, change the value to “false” or remove the line altogether. Once the change has been made, save and close the file.

10. Restart the “SQL Server” service for the instance Webtrends is using and log back in to Webtrends.

You should now see the missing backups in the Available Backups list.