Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Analysis of profiles fail and the status logs state licensed page views have been exhausted. A review of the Licensing section of the user interface indicates page views are available.
This may result from attempting to analyze log files with a timestamp from the previous anniversary year (in which all licensed page views were used). The analysis is failing because it is trying to analyze in a year in which no more page views are available.
Use the steps below to determine the page view count for the previous year.
1. Open a command line window and navigate into the following directory:
2. Type the following command:
wtlicman -s
3. At the bottom of the output, all anniversary years display with their respective page view count.
Assuming licensed page views have been exhausted for a previous anniversary year, to analyze log files from the year that follows, modify the data source paths or the profile start date to be a day that falls within the new anniversary year. If it is necessary to analyze the time period from when licensed page views were exhausted through to the new anniversary year, a page view add-on will be required to increase the annual licensed page view limit.