
All visitors are coming from an “unknown country”


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


The Countries report shows all visitors as coming from an “Unknown country.”


The country data comes from the client’s IP address when looked up using the Geotrends database. For Country to show anything other than “Unknown country,” a following conditions must be met:

1. The log file must contain the client ip (c-ip) column or equivalent. Some log files won’t state c-ip in the header, but it’s client ip is usually there. However, this is an optional field.

2. The IP address in that column must be that of the of the visitor and not of a load balancer or proxy server. (If all the IP addresses in the client ip column are the same address, a proxy server or load balancer has replaced them.)

3. In the profile’s configuration, under Analysis > Internet Resolution, the “Use WebTrends GeoTrends to resolve geographic company locations” option must be checked.

Check your profile configuration to make sure “Use Webtrends GeoTrends” is enabled, then check your log files for the client ip address. There should be a large variety of unique ip addresses.

If both are correct and you still aren’t getting resolution, your Geotrends database may be corrupt. If you are running 8.1 or higher, the latest database can be downloaded from here:


1. Once you have the file, go to Administrative Tools>Services and stop the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent and then the Webtrends – Geotrends services.

2. Go to the \Webtrends\modules\geotrends folder and rename the geotrends.dat file.

3. Copy the new Geotrends file into the \Webtrends\modules\geotrends folder and rename it to geotrends.dat.

4. Restart the Webtrends – Geotrends and then the Webtrends – Scheduler Agent services.