
500.22 error when loading any section in the Data Scheduler


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When I try to launch in the Data Scheduler the sections Upcoming, Available Files, or History, the following error pops up:

HTTP Error 500.22 – Internal Server error
An ASP.NET setting has been detected that does not apply in the Integrated managed pipeline mode.


This is caused by the Managed Pipeline Mode in the Webtrends Application Pool being set to “Integrated”. To change back to “Classic”, the following steps can be used:

1) Go into IIS
2) Expand out the Application Pools
3) Select the Webtrends Application Pool by either double-clicking on it, or highlighting it and selecting “Basic Settings” to the right.
4) In the Managed pipeline mode dropdown, changed from Integrated to Classic and hit “OK”.
5) Restart IIS