
100.00% of 2147483647 annual licensed page views have been used. Analysis will stop at 120% usage.


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Your installation is licensed for over 2.5 billion page views(server calls) and you receive the following warning when you haven’t hit 100% of your page views:

Alert Type: Page View Limit

Alert Level: Warning

Status Details: 100.00% of 2147483647 annual licensed page views have been used. Analysis will stop at 120% usage. For more information about how Webtrends responds to this problem, see Alert Configuration in the Help.

For information about resolving the problem, see Resolving Alert Conditions in the Help.

Details: You are approaching your annual licensed limit of page views. See the Status Details for specific details.


The number 2147483647 is the highest value capable of being displayed by alerts. Once this threshold is reached alerts will occur and continue to occur and the alerts will have the same value of 2147483647.


As long as the current Page View count hasn’t reached 120% of the Limit in Application Settings > Licensing, analysis will continue to run without issue.

To avoid receiving alerts, disable it under Application Settings > Monitoring > Alerts > Configuration. In the drop down menu, select “Page View Limit” and uncheck “Enabled,” and then select the “Save” option below.