
WT.dl Values and Functionality


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


The Webtrends JavaScript tag supports a number of specific parameters to handle events that do not traditionally qualify as a page view. These kinds of events include clicks on .pdf or other non-page file types, clicks on links leading off-site (which normally would not be logged), and clicks and entries within forms, among others. For each event type, the WT.dl parameter is used with a value specific to the event.


The following list of WT.dl parameter values is an excerpt from the Webtrends Unified Event Model:

Page View0Convention
Click Action1Convention
Anchor Click21Convention
JS link (javascript:)22Convention
Mailto (mailto:)23Convention
Offsite link click24Convention
Right Click download25Convention
Form get method26 
Form post method27 
Form input click28 
Form button click29 
Image map30 
YouTube impression40Youtube plugin
YouTube video event41Youtube plugin
On-site Ad impression50 
Mobile Media view, action events60 
Slideshow interaction65Convention
Link Click99 
FB plugin click111 
Heatmap plugin click125 
Optimize Events200-250 
Email OpenE0 
SharePoint Element Link ClickSHP 
SharePoint Event Link ClickSHP_CLICK 

Any log file entry without a WT.dl parameter will default to a value of 0.

More Information

To learn more about customizing the Webtrends JavaScript tag refer to the Webtrends Tag Builder. Each section contains help files explaining its purpose and functionality in detail.