
Why is my WT.co_f value not formatted properly?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Visitors in the Top Visitors report display long alphanumeric strings beginning with “2” instead of the expected IP address-hash-Unix epoch time stamp. The values displayed in reports originate from the WT.co_f parameter value found in the cs-uri-query field of the web logs, indicating there were complications retrieving the Webtrends cookie value. As a result, reports based on the cookie value, including any which use Visitor History, may be of limited value.


This is caused when the Webtrends JavaScript tag is unable to determine a visitor ID from a cookie or is unable to obtain it from the wtid.js file. This may also result from incorrectly deploying the tag as a single block of code rather than in two separate script portions. Furthermore, this may also occur when the _tag.dcsGetId(); call is omitted from the first Webtrends script block. (See script block descriptions below.)

In some cases, such as when using session cookies, this is the correct behavior and the “_tag.dcsGetId();” call won’t be included.

Tag Builder tag script blocks:

Initial script call

<script src="webtrends.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- Warning: The two script blocks below must remain inline. Moving them to an external -->
<!-- JavaScript include file can cause serious problems with cross-domain tracking.      -->
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -->

First script block

<script type="text/javascript">
var _tag=new WebTrends();

Second script block

<script type="text/javascript">
// Add custom parameters here.