
What is the Other category in a report?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


You see an item labeled “Other” in the reports and are unsure what it means.


Every report in Webtrends has something known as a Table Limit. This limit usually has 2 categories.

  • Analysis Limit – This is how many elements the report will keep track of. In the Pages report for example, this is how many unique URLs will be re-ordered based on popularity in the report during analysis. A default Pages report has this set to 100,000 unique URLs.
  • Report Limit – This is how many elements the report will show in the report view before it starts grouping the remainder into the “Other” category. In the Pages report this is set to 2,000 URLs by default.
This means that you can keep track of 100,000 URLs but will only see up to 2,000 in the report. The possible remaining 98,000 URLs will be grouped together into “Other”. You’ll then have hits and visits associated with the whole group instead of individually.

Normally this isn’t a problem because the most popular entries will be in the report and the remaining entries usually have very small numbers of visits or hits. In some cases however, we need more than the current report limit to look at. In these situations we can usually turn up the report limit to a max of 20% of the analysis limit. If the situation requires it we can also turn up the analysis limit in many cases depending on the reports and current system resource usage of the profile.

Some reports have more than one dimension. In that case, the sub-dimensions have a similar analysis and report limit which is much smaller than the first dimension limit. The number of entries grows exponentially in this type of report so the limits are reduced to compensate for this.

These sub-dimensions are more likely to show the Other category as a result of these reduced limits. When totaled together, this number can appear quite large and seem like valuable information. In reality, the individual records that are part of the Other group have fewer individual visits/hits than the last entry shown in the report and can typically be safely ignored as part of the overall trend.