
What is an ECCN?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


The ExportAdministration Regulations (EAR) provides rules andregulations for all types of exports. It uses the Commerce Control List to identify items for export control purposes.

An ECCN is analpha-numeric classification used in the Commerce Control List.

See details at http://www.bis.doc.gov/licensing/do_i_needaneccn.html


Do we have or need andECCN?

Yes, we both have and require an ECCN. WebtrendsAnalytics Software product contains encryption functionality, and Webtrendsexports it to foreign countries. Webtrends therefore requires an ECCNclassification under the EAR – Webtrends Analytics and Data Collection productsare classified5D002.C.1

Do we have a Tracking System number?
In this contextTracking System number refer to the Commodity Classification Automated TrackingSystem (CCATS, seedefinition). As Webtrends products are classified under ENC/(b)(3),we are exempt from reporting requirements.

ECCN information for current products:
The Classificationdocument from the Thomsen and Burke law firm:
Product ECCN Exception CCATS
Webtrends Analytics 5D002.c.1 ENC/Unrestricted G076420
Webtrends Visitor Data Mart (Marketing Warehouse)
Webtrends Visitor Data Mart Desktop Client (Marketing Lab)
Note: also included Webtrends Analytics Reports (whatever that was at the time) (ECCN was 5D002.c.1)
ENC/Unrestricted G047550
Webtrends Data Collection Server 5D002.c.1 ENC/Retail G022878

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