
What environments and configurations are not supported by Webtrends?


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


There are various factors or configurations that will cause a Webtrends installation to be unsupported. This document is a brief list of the most common causes of an unsupported environment and is subject to change and update without notification. Even though Webtrends may work correctly in some of these environments or with some customization, we cannot support every possible configuration to a degree where we can ensure correct functionality.

The following environments and configurations are not supported for production installations of the product:

  • Any environment that does not meet ALL of the minimum system requirements as dictated by the release notes
  • Any virtual server environment such as Microsoft Hyper-V, Virtual PC, Virtual Server, VirtualBox, and Wine (Note: The exception is VMware ESX/i (versions 3 and 4), with sufficient system resources (but does not include VMotion.) Other Vmware versions and products are not supported).
  • Windows server 2003 Web Edition
  • Any Linux, Unix, or Solaris based operating system
  • Any clustered server environment (with the exception of 8.7d and 9.2x, which does support a clustered DB for system databases (wtMaster, wt_sched) on Windows Server 2008 with SQL 2008).
  • On any operating system already running another copy of Apache, IIS, or any other web server
  • On any operating system already running another copy of MySQL, MS SQL, of another database or database driven application
  • Installations that do not have a dedicated instance of MySQL or MS SQL
  • Installations that make use of an Admin shares (such as C$ or D$) or Samba shares for any aspect of the installation including log file retrieval
  • Any versions or updates of Apache, MySQL, or Tomcat that do not ship with Webtrends or installations of these components on Linux, Unix, or Solaris.
  • Any third party customization of Webtrends or the configuration files unless otherwise directed by Webtrends
  • Any network with overly restrictive firewall or proxy configurations. Certain ports need to be available to allow communication between the various Webtrends components. Webtrends tries to test all product functionality with as many varying environments as possible, but we cannot ensure 100% functionality in all cases. (For example, DNS resolution does not function through a default configuration of Microsoft ISA server.)
  • Installing the main application to a NAS or SAN environment. Moving logs or storage folders to a NAS or SAN is supported, however, the main application is not supported in a NAS or SAN environment.
The following environments and configurations are not supported for production installations of the Smart Source Data Collector (SDC):
  • Any environment that does not meet ALL of the minimum system requirements as dictated by the release notes
  • vSphere VMWare and ESXi) 3.5x and below, Microsoft Hyper-V, Virtual PC, Virtual Server, VirtualBox, and Wine (no exceptions)
  • Windows Server Web Edition (all releases)
  • On any web server that is not dedicated to the SDC (for example, an IIS installation that serves other web sites as well)
  • Installations that make use of an Admin shares (such as C$ or D$) or Samba shares for any aspect of the installation (including log file storage)
  • Any third party customization of the configuration files or JavaScript tag unless otherwise directed by Webtrends
  • Multiple instances of the SDC running on the same computer, either with multiple NIC’s and IP’s or with a single NIC and IP address