
Using Content Group Path Analysis with configured and tagged Content Groups


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


When setting up Path Analysis, it is possible to use Content Groups instead of Pages to track the path. This tracks the path from one Content Group to another over the course of a visit. There are two options specifically for this type of Path Analysis; “Select from configured content groups” or “Specify a content group by name”. When using “Specify a content group by name”, the Content Group tag (WT.cg_n) must be present in the log file. It is also possible to use configured Content Groups when there are tagged Content Groups. This can cause some undesirable behavior.


When the analysis engine populates the Content Path Analysis report, it looks for the first hit of the visit that contains the Content Group specified in the Path Analysis report definition, and tracks the paths from that hit in the visit forward (or backwards if the “To This Item” option is used). If that hit contains the criteria that corresponds to a configured Content Group as well as a Content Group tag, the tagged value wins. If the Path Analysis is defined to use a configured Content Group, the entire path followed by the visitor with the tagged Content Group will not be included in the report.

Should the first hit match the configured Content Group, but not a tagged Content Group, and a tagged Content Group is encountered later in the visit, that tagged Content Group will appear in the Path Analysis report along with the other Content Groups in the path (configured or tagged).