
Smart Trimming messages in the status log


Webtrends On Premises 9.x
Webtrends On Premises 8.x


When table sizes reach their capacity, Smart Trimming is applied to eliminate the least relevant content and ensure space remains for future entries. When this occurs, one of three status messages similar to the following displays:

1. When smart limiting (noise filtering) is turned on and it has removed entries from the table for either 1D analysis limit or 2D analysis limit global, the following message is shown.

Jul-11-2006 14:34:49: Table 11 Smart Limited from 100001 to 16148

2. When the table exceeds the 2D or 2D global analysis limits for custom reports, the following message is shown.

Jul-11-2006 14:37:03: Table 125 (%%NAME OF REPORT%% – %%CUSTOM REPORT GUID%%) second dimension is trimmed.

3. When the table exceeds the 2D or 2D global analysis limits for standard reports, the following message is shown.

Jul-12-2006 11:22:47: Table 43 (%%NAME OF REPORT%%) has second dimension tables that exceed table limits and those second dimension tables will be trimmed.