
Definitions for Custom Report default.ini file


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Custom report information is stored in the default.ini file, located in the following path in a Webtrends software installation:


The default.ini file contains custom report information for each custom report on the account, each preceded by a header [customtableprofile#], to which all the following values apply to that custom report until reaching the next header. The first assigned header in the file is [customtableprofile0] and each additional report increments the count.

Below is a list of the keys from a custom report. Following each entry is a description of its function in the report. Custom report information will normally occupy every line until the end, skip a line, and a new header precedes the entry for the next custom report.

[customtableprofileN] – The header preceding the first custom report definition in a default.ini file.
columnNaccumulation – The measure’s method for accumulation. Values can include “Sum,” “Average,” “Minimum,” “Maximum,” “Count” or no value at all.
columnNdecimals – A user-specified value for the number of decimal places for the measure value, most commonly 0 or 2.
columnNincludeintervals – Specifies whether interval data is included for the measure. A value of 0 is no, 1 is yes.
columnNlabel – The label for the measure appearing in the column header. Default values are tokens, preceded and followed by %% with the text string spaced by underscores. User-defined values display as entered.
columnNmeasureid – This key identifies the measure on the system. Default values include “Hits,” “Visits,” “PercentOfVisits,” “StepsOfInterestStep,” among others. User-created measures will appear as alpha-numeric guids (globally unique identifiers).
columnNmeasuretype – This key indicates the type of measure used. Default values include “Hits,” “Visits,” “PercentOfVisits,” “StepsOfInterestStep,” among others. User-created measures display as “Custom.”
columnNnototal – This key specifies whether to show a total for the measure. Options are “true” or “false.”
columnNsortable – This key specifies whether to allow the column to be sorted in ascending or descending order. Options are “true” or “false.”
columnNstepsofinterestid – Displays the guid for a scenario step when the measuretype value is “StepsOfInterestStep.”
columncount – The number of columns in the custom report.
countoccurrences – This key is no longer used. Values appear as “Undefined” or have no value at all.
description – The short description text that displays under the report name in the user interface. Built-in values are tokenized, user-created values include the text as entered.
dimensionNcorrelate – Applies to dimensions based on query parameters which can have multiple values, and to correlate their measures between other measures which also have multiple values. Options are “true” or “false.”
dimensionNdata – The type of dimension used. Values include “hitpropertydimension,” “pages,” “referrer_hit,” “timeofday,” “trafficsource,” and many others.
dimensionNexcludenonestrings – Specifies whether to include or exclude activity without dimension data. Options are “true” or “false.”
dimensionNguid – If a custom dimension is used, displays the dimension’s guid. Built-in dimensions display the system defaults such as “pages,” “trafficsource,” “mobilebrowser_hit,” among others.
dimensionNlabel – The label displayed in the column header in the report. Built-in dimensions display strings based on the tokenized value, custom dimensions display the text as entered.
dimensionNmaxanalysiselements – The number of possible analysis elements in the first dimension.
dimensionNmaxreportelements – The number of possible report elements in the first dimension.
dimensionNmaxreportelementssublevel – Previously defined the maximum number of entries for dimensionN in drill-downs. No longer used.
dimensionNmaxreporttableelements – The maximum number of elements in the dimension’s report table.
dimensionNparameter – When used with a custom report where dimensionNdata is “queryparameter,” this value will be that specified by the user.
dimensionNcorrelate – Applies to dimensions based on query parameters which can have multiple values, and to correlate their measures between other measures which also have multiple values. Options are “true” or “false.”
enginehokeydelim – Specifies the delimiter for hokey hierarchy. Values will be 47 for V6 custom reports, 29 for V7 custom reports.
excludefilters – Specifies exclude filters by their guid, separated by spaces.
externalurl – This key is no longer used.
graphtype – topitems – The type of graphs used on the page. Options are “timeline topitem” or “topitems.”
helpcardtext – Displays the built-in help card text when tokenized values are used. User-created definitions display as entered.
includefilters – Specifies include filters by their guid, separated by spaces.
includeintervals – Defers interval storage to the custom report definitions. Options are 0 or 1.
includeintervalspermeasure – Specifies using intervals per measure. Options are 0 or 1.
isrealtime – If the isrealtime key is 1 the report complies with the criteria allowing for real-time status. If set to 0, it is not real-time compliant.
isvisitorhistorydependent – If the isvisitorhistory value is 1 the report meets the criteria to allow use of Visitor History. If set to 0, it is not compliant with Visitor History.
lastfunctionalchangetime – When a new measure is added to a custom report, what would previously have beeen a destructive change adds the epoch time-stamp as the lastfunctionalchangetime value. A value of 0 indicates no such changes have yet occurred.
multigraphtype – This key displays the trending graph display type. Options are “multiline,” “multibar,” “multistacked” or no value at all for custom reports without trending graphs.
profilecategory – Specifies the guid for the custom report category to which the report belongs.
profileid – Specifies the guid for the custom report.
profilename – The name used in the “Name” column when editing the custom report. This is also in the list of custom reports displayed when editing a template and viewing the list of reports.
profileversion – This key is no longer used. Values appear as 3 or 4.
readonly – Specifies whether or not users are able to modify the custom report definition. Options are 0 to allow changes, 1 to forbid them.
reportpack – Specifies the report packs to which the custom report belongs. The built-in values include “commerce,” “marketing,”site,” “spsite,” “mobileapp” and “facebook.” Reports belonging to multiple packs include each pack separated by a space.
reporttitle – Specifies the name of the custom report displayed among the list of reports in the custom report interface. Built-in reports display strings based on the tokenized value, user-created reports display the text as entered.
singlegraphtype – Specifies the type of graph used for custom reports with non-trending graphs. Options are “singlepie,” “singlebar” or no value at all for reports with trending graphs.
totaltext – The built-in text strings used for displaying the total values in different kinds of reports. These values include “%%CommonTotal%%,” “%%TotalCampaigns%%,” “%%TotalSearches%%,” “%%TotalProducts%%,” among others.
type – The only applicable value for this key is “Smartview.” When no value is present, this indicates it is a standard (non-SmartView) report.