
Creating a Report Query and Bookmarks


Webtrends Analytics 9.x
Webtrends Analytics 8.x


The following explains how to create a Report Query and Bookmarks.


To create a report query:

1. Click Query.

2. Drag and drop dimensions, measures, and operators into the Query window to create a search expression. Dimensions are shown in gray. Measures are shown in tan. To specify a value, drag Value into the Query window, double-click it, and type a value in the Enter value text box. To remove an item from a query expression, drag the item onto the trash can or drag another item directly on top of it to replace it.

Make sure each report query consists of one or more equations. All equations include:
– A dimension or measure
– An operator such as = or >
– A numeric or text value

as in the following example:

Offer = *shipping*

3. If you want to specify case-sensitive matching for text values, select the String matches are case-sensitive check box.

4. Click Run Query.

5. If you want to change your query and run it again, click Query a second time. When you change a query, it searches the entire report, not just the report returned by the original query.

6. If you want to export your query results, click your preferred export format on the Export Reports menu. To export your query results, you must select Current report when you export.

7. If you want to save a frequently-used query so you can return to it quickly, click Create Bookmark in the left pane. For more information, refer to the section below on Creating a Bookmark.

8. To return to the original report, click Undo Query.

Creating a Bookmark

The following steps describe how to create a report bookmark or to update the settings in an existing bookmark. Bookmarks are stored in your template settings. If you cannot find a saved bookmark, make sure you are viewing the correct report template.

To create a bookmark:

1. Configure the report exactly as you wish to view it.

2. Click Create Bookmark in the Table of Contents or click Bookmark This Report on the Bookmarks menu.

3. In the Bookmark Name text box, type a name for the bookmark. Webtrends uses this name to identify the bookmark in the report Table of Contents and in the Managing Bookmarks dialog.

4. If you want to add the bookmarked view to the Table of Contents for other users who have user rights to the current template, select the Share Bookmark check box.

5. If you want the bookmarked view to be available only in your own reports, clear the Share Bookmark check box.

6. Click Save.