
What is URL Rebuilding and how do I configure it?


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


What is URL Rebuilding and how do I configure it?


By default, query parameters are not listed in the URL because inclusion of all parameters tends to make the URLs appear unsightly in reports. In some cases it may be preferable to see some or all query parameters. Examples of when this is desirable is when a key parameter differentiates traffic on a certain page, or on web sites which use URLs that are dynamically generated, which may not provide enough specific information to make page-based reports relevant due to the volume of variation. With this in mind, Webtrends includes a feature known as URL Rebuilding which can be used to display some or all query parameters as desired.

To create a new URL Rebuilding definition, follow the steps below:
1. In the Administration console, navigate to “Web Analysis > Options > URL Rebuilding” and select “New”.

2. In the “Name” field, specify a name to identify the new URL Rebuilding definition.

3. Select the radio button to include or exclude all query parameters except those on the exception list. For an inclusive definition in which all query parameters except the Webtrends standard parameters are to be seen, check the box entitled “Exclude all Webtrends Query Parameters”.

4. Add specific parameters by selecting “New” under “Exception List:”. The “Exception Definition” screen displays:
a. Enter each parameter to be excepted separated by a comma.

b. Select a radio button specifying whether this applies to all pages or only to a page expression, using a designated page, a string with wildcard, or a regular expression.

c. Click “Done” to return to the previous page.

5. Click “Save” to save the definition.

6. Edit the profile to which the URL Rebuilding definition is to be applied and navigate to “Advanced > URL Rebuilding”.

7. If the newly created URL Rebuilding definition is not the default definition, uncheck the box for “Always Use Default Definition” to enable selection of the URL Rebuilding definition in the list below.
Note: If the option “Retain original URL” is selected, the URL displayed in the page-based reports will display based on the URL Rebuilding definition used, but when clicked, the URL will include the original URL. This is desirable if the pages ranked in the reports are accessed through the Webtrends user interface. If the original URL is not retained, this may result in a broken link. In addition, if this option is selected, mousing over the URL while viewing reports will display the original URL in the status bar at the bottom of the browser.

8. Select “Save” to apply the URL Rebuilding definition to the profile.

The effects of this change will be visible in reports after the next analysis has completed. Depending on the nature of the definition, you may expect a transitional period in which the URL format previously seen mixes with URLs matching the definition. For the definition to apply to historical report data, reanalyze the profile.