
Webtrends prefixes the server name to the storage paths when attempting to move storage folders to a network drive


Webtrends Analytics 8.x
Webtrends Analytics 9.x


Storage constraints require moving the contents of the backup folder, or other sub-folders within the Storage folder, to a network drive with greater capacity. When specifying a network share on a SAN or similar network drive, Webtrends prefixes its own server name to the path, resulting in an invalid location. Similarly, mapping a drive to the location also results in the Webtrends server name being prefixed to the drive letter. In either configuration, attempts to access storage locations fail due to the application’s inability to detect a host for the network drive.


Webtrends requires a host for network, absolute and relative paths specified for storage locations, without which Webtrends will default to using a known host (i.e., its own MachineID). If unable to successfully configure a network drive through the user interface, enable the use of a SAN or similar network drive by following the steps below. It is recommended that backups of the system database and the storage folder are made before making modifications to the installation.

1. Open Windows’ Services snap-in and stop all Webtrends services except the system database. Repeat this step on all machines within distributed environments.

2. Connect to the system database using Microsoft Management Studio and navigate to the following location:

Databases > wtMaster > Tables

3. Right-click on dbo.wt_WRCMachine and select either “Open Table” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005) or “Edit Top 200 Rows” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008).

4. Add a new line, incrementing the MachineID value. Enter the storage location’s name on the network as a UNC host (preceded by backslashes, e.g., \\SAN), and set the value for IsEnabled to “True”.

5. Right-click on dbo.wt_AccountDataLocation and select either “Open Table” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005) or “Edit Top 200 Rows” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008).

6. Change the MachineID value to the one created above for all relevant entries in the Path column.

7. If the entire Storage folder is being moved to the network location, update the dbo.wt_WRCVersion table as well.
a. Right-click on dbo.wt_WRCVersion and select either “Open Table” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005) or “Edit Top 200 Rows” (for SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008).

b. Change the WRCMachineID value for the current VersionID to correspond to the MachineID value specified in step 4.

8. Close the database editor and restart the Webtrends services.

9. Confirm profiles are available and everything functions as expected within the user interface. Confirm file timestamps are updated and/or new files are created in the new storage location on the network drive.