
HTTP 404 error when setting up SSL on REST server


Webtrends Analytics 9.2 – 9.4.1


After adding a signed certificate to the Webtrends Data Extraction web site and adding port and certificate to the bindings settings, attempts to access the server using a REST URL result in the following error:

Server Error in ‘/v2_0’ Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Requested URL: /v2_0/ReportService.svc/profiles/


The application configuration file is not provisioned for HTTPS in the custom binding required to run the REST service. There are two configuration files in the attached .ZIP file.

  • The first one, HTTPSOnly_web.config, will configure the application to accept only HTTPS connections. With this configuration file in place, attempts to connect via HTTP will result in the same error as stated above. If only HTTPS connections are desired it is suggested that the HTTP binding be removed.
  • The second file, HTTPandHTTPS_web.config, will allow for both HTTP and HTTPS traffic to the REST server.

To apply the configuration, copy either HTTPSOnly_web.config or HTTPandHTTPS_web.config, as appropriate, to the following folder in the REST server’s installation path:

\Webtrends\Data Extraction Website\v2_0\

Rename the “web.config” file in this folder to “web.config.original”, rename the copied file to “web.config”, and restart IIS. The REST server will now accept HTTPS requests.